Roberto van der Linden

Roberto is software ontwikkelaar bij Luminis, waar hij zich voornamelijk bezig houdt met het bouwen van bedrijfskritische applicaties. De laatste jaren heeft hij ook meerdere mobiele applicaties ontwikkeld waaronder de Luminis conferentie app. In zijn vrije tijd vindt hij het leuk om te knutselen aan IoT projecten.

Max van de laar

Max is front-end developer at Luminis Eindhoven. He has a broad experience creating web applications for various types of industries. Besides front-end development, Max also worked on several apps using Xamarin, Swift, and React Native. He has a healthy interest in how tech is evolving and he loves to speculate what Industry 4.0 will bring us and how it will impact the future. Currently, Max is diving deeper in the different types reality and how it can further improve current industries.

Rachid Ben Moussa

Rachid is a software architect at Luminis with 15 years of hands-on experience on the Java platform. He has worked on diverse projects for various clients in sectors like energy, finance and education. A history of projects in various technologies like Java, OSGi, Kotlin and with a focus on Test-driven development.
Rachid is in particular interested in topics where software meets hardware. Past three years he was responsible for extending and maintaining backend services for an IoT project with 100K connected smart thermostats. Software architect by day, microcontroller hacker by night; these two passions combined make the love for IoT in the cloud inevitable!

Janek Ozga

Janek is a software engineer at Luminis focusing on front-end web development hailing from Nijmegen. He solves problems and beautifies things. Less than two years ago he received his bachelor’s degree and afterwards started looking for an awesome company to expand his skills. This turned out to be Luminis. He started building multiple exciting projects for Luminis at Omons, Jifeline  and at the moment Remeha.

At the same time the urge to start up his own company became greater and greater. This is why he started looking for an initiative to further broaden his horizon and give something back to the world. You can learn more about this start-up in his talk.

Bart Dohmen

Bart is User Experience designer en ontwerpt digitale producten en diensten. Verder begeleidt hij als consultant organisaties bij het opzetten en verbeteren van het ontwerpproces. Gedreven door de interactie van mens en techniek en met een achtergrond als Industrieel Ontwerper brengt hij digitale en fysieke werelden samen. Belangrijk daarin is om de échte behoefte van gebruiker en bedrijf te doorgronden en dat te faciliteren met technologie.

Voor diverse klanten heeft hij zich al vaak gebogen over complexe ontwerpvraagstukken: van wat is nu een comfortabel huis tot hoe vind je een koe? Met name in het energie-, onderwijs- en installatiedomein heeft Bart veel ervaring opgedaan.

Jettro Coenradie

Jettro is a search relevance engineer who specializes in giving customers the best possible search experience.  Jettro has been working with the elastic stack for years, and he knows his way around Solr as well. Next to search, he is experimenting with machine learning. Combining machine learning with Search to solve one of the hardest search problems, named ranking, is what keeps him going. Jettro believes in the vision of Luminis that: Knowledge is the only thing that increases by sharing. Therefore he writes blogs, gives training and presents at many meetups and conferences.

Jettro was voted as best rated speaker of DevCon 2019!

Hans Bossenbroek

Hans Bossenbroek is one of the founders and Chief Executive of Luminis. After a long career working for consultancy organisations and doing freelance jobs, Hans concluded that the potential of IT, the inherent complexity of software engineering and the power of innovation can only be unlocked by harnessing the power of the collective. It may seem strange, but this coincides with his love for jazz music, diving and mountaineering. They all build upon the aptitude, discipline and persistence of the individual in a team.

This complex reality is aptly described by Neil Young: “It’s better to burn out than to fade away”.

Byron Voorbach

Byron Voorbach is a Search & Data engineer at Luminis in Amsterdam. He has broad experience in security, backend development and Spring technologies. For the last 5 years, Byron has mostly been working with the Elastic Stack, taking a great interest in building and optimizing search engines. He loves to go to music festivals and travel in his spare time.

Ward van Breda

Ward is a passionate research scientist in the field of artificial intelligence, who now works as lead data scientist at Stedin. Ward has applied artificial intelligence in the domain of healthcare during his PhD, and has since worked in the domains of psychology, finance, legal counsel, and energy. Ward currently focusses on how to increase success and optimize impact of data science projects in business.

Bert Ertman

A frequent speaker on Java, Cloud, and software architecture all over the world. Book author, and serial conference organizer. Bert Ertman was awarded the coveted title of Java Champion in 2008, and is a JavaOne RockStar speaker and Duke’s Choice award winner.

Bert was voted as best rated speaker of DevCon 2018 & 2019!