Caleb Mensah

Caleb is an enthusiastic data scientist at Luminis Amsterdam, with hands-on consultancy experience in various sectors. He has a broad interest in data science & engineering principles. As a consultant, he helps customers generate business value with their data.

Auke Noppe

Auke is a software enthusiast who is getting more and more cloud focussed. He is in the field for almost 15 years and has always been passionate about IoT solutions. It may not be a surprise that all the projects he has worked on so far, have some relation with IoT and/or remote systems: currently he is working as an architect on a cloud migration for a smart thermostat ecosystem. In his spare time he likes to improve his home automation setup. Auke doesn’t hesitate to solve difficult problems, but is always looking for ways to make things easier for himself or the people around him. Therefore his motto is: “Work smarter, not harder!”.
He likes to share his knowledge about cloud and new technologies at internal sessions at Luminis or customer sites. The desire to share on a public stage increased every day, with his debut at Luminis DevCon 2020.

Ivo Domburg

Ivo is a designer with a broad experience in creating digital experiences. He is convinced you can’t be the best at what you do if you just stick to what you do best. That’s why he regularly writes about everyday human-technology relations and even tries to do some coding every once in a while. That doesn’t make him a writer or engineer, but he does believe it makes him a better designer.

Joris Castermans

Joris worked as an Innovation Consultant, Business Developer and Alliance Manager in IT and Telecom. In 2018 he became an entrepreneur and founded the Leiden based AI speech technology start-up Whispp. Joris stutters himself, therefore it’s his motivation, and that of the Whispp team, to make the lives of people who stutter heavily a little easier and more fun.

Steven Ramdas

Steven Ramdas is eager to apply his skillset to the field of data- & machine learning engineering. Steven has strong background in Software Engineering and developed a mindset from startup environments. Steven is on a mission to help data scientist’s deliver production ready machine learning systems.

Daniël Spee

Daniël is nu bijna 1,5 jaar werkzaam bij Luminis Amsterdam als software engineer. Daar is hij onderdeel van het Search kennisgebied. Het laatste jaar heeft hij zich veel bezig gehouden met Elasticsearch en inmiddels is hij ook Elastic Certified Engineer. Zijn focus ligt nu vooral op het verder ontwikkelen op gebied van search.

Piet van Dongen

Piet loves to dive deep into stuff. When he’s done, he will explain it to you with great enthusiasm and humor. Even if the subject is super dry and boring. HTTP/2 internals? Piet breaks out his hacksaw. IoT architecture? Piet creates a drum computer the audience can play with from the comfort of their seats.
Why? Because he thinks it is essential that we share what we do and know. That’s the best way to collectively get better at what we do.

Jeroen Reijn

Jeroen is a hands-on Architect and Cloud Lead at Luminis. He has an extensive Java background and is an active community member and emeritus committer at the Apache Software Foundation. Jeroen likes to share his knowledge through his blog and as a public speaker at meetups and conferences.

Jeroen was voted as best rated speaker of DevCon 2018!

GP Gooiker

GP vindt het leuk om voorin het ontwerpproces te werken. Ontwerpen begint al bij het bedenken van je verdienmodel. Hij betrekt graag meteen technisch talent, verkopers en mensen uit de doelgroep erbij.

Het is meestal het best om prototypes of kleine veranderingen in een product te ontwerpen. We gaan vervolgens zo snel mogelijk het product bouwen en testen door naar de mensen toe te gaan en te testen. Je maakt zo vaak niet wat mensen vragen, maar juist wat mensen nodig hebben.

In de avonduren prutst GP wat bij met nieuwe manieren voor mensen om met computers om te gaan, bijvoorbeeld door ruimtelijke producten in augmented reality te bouwen. GP gelooft niet zo in hobby’s verder, behalve als het het lezen van boeken of kijken van films is.